Week 3: Talk about yourself! (And use Veracross in the process)

Source: https://www.nametagwizard.com/hello-my-name-is-dry-erase-reusable-name-tag

For this week’s lesson, you get to share a few things about yourself with Mr. Cochran AND we’ll learn how to use Veracross to submit assignments and how/why you can share Google documents and presentations with your teachers.

STEP 1: Login to DA Google Drive

STEP 2: Create a Google Slides presentation — about YOURSELF!

STEP 3: Your presentation must include 3 slides.

  1. A title/intro slide that includes your name and your preferred pronouns (please list your preferred name or nickname if it’s different than your first name), an optional photo (does not have to be a picture of you) and a welcome/greeting message. This is your introduction to the world, so be creative!
  2. The second slide should be a fun fact about you: What are your passions? Have you ever been on a life-changing vacation? What do you want to be when you grow up?
  3. The third slide should be information about your favorite family member. NOTE: This could be a pet (if yes, please include a photo), a sibling, a parent or a relative. Your choice.

For an example of what to do CLICK HERE to view Mr. Cochran’s presentation.

STEP 4: Create and make your presentation SHARABLE for others in the Durham Academy organization with whom you share the link.

After your presentation has been created, click the yellow “Share” button in the upper right-hand corner of the page. Click the “Share with Durham Academy” option then select “Copy link.” PLEASE make sure you change access privileges to “Editor” so your teacher can help you make revisions.

STEP 5: Hand in your presentation.
Login to Veracross and navigate to find the Veracross class for your Grade 9 Life Skills group and click “View All Assignments.”

On the assignments page for your Grade 9 Life Skills group, click the blue “submit” button beside the Week 3 assignment.

Paste the link to your presentation into the text field below the words “Add Submission” and upload the file. Once it uploads, slide the toggle switch to YES by the “Is this assignment complete?” text.

Respond to Mr. Cochran’s comment and mark as resolved in your Google Presentation
Mr. Cochran will look at your presentation and leave a comment. To complete this assignment, respond to his comment and mark the issue as “resolved.”

You’re finished! Well done!
(No need to post a response to this assignment, you did the work by submitting your file to Veracross.) NOTE: Please do NOT click the “Share” button in Google Presentation and share your presentation with Mr. Cochran via an email. You will not receive credit for this assignment if you do that.

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